Cosmelan Peel

What is Cosmelan peel?

Cosmelan Peel is a professional skin treatment designed to address various skin concerns, primarily hyperpigmentation, melasma, and other forms of skin discoloration. It is a depigmentation procedure that helps to even out skin tone and reduce the appearance of dark spots.

The Cosmelan Peel inhibits melanin production, the pigment responsible for skin coloration. It reduces tyrosinase activity, which is involved in melanin synthesis, to control overproduction and diminish hyperpigmentation.

Cosmelan peel contains a combination of active ingredients such as azelaic acid, kojic acid, phytic acid, and various botanical extracts which is suitable for all skin types. This mask is usually applied by a skincare professional in a clinic .

How is Cosmelan peel process?

The mask is left on the skin for a specific period, typically ranging from 8 to 12 hours, depending on the individual’s skin type and the severity of the pigmentation.

After specific time, the client removes the mask at home and follows a prescribed homecare routine using specific products provided as part of the treatment.

Follow-up appointments:

A series of follow-up appointments may be recommended by the skincare professional to monitor progress, adjust the homecare routine if needed, and provide additional treatments if necessary.

Cosmelan Peel Can be performed any season of the year – even in summer, followed by the use of total sunblock to guarantee treatment effectiveness.


Suitable for: All Skin Types (light to dark)

Cosmelan peel cost: $1390 (Includes 7 mesoestetic homecares + 60 mins Clinical treatment +2 sessions of Led light therapy+4 follow up skin consult)


Frequently Asked Questions

Before the treatment, a consultation is required to gather your medical history and ensure suitability. A thorough Skin Analysis is carried out to find out what type of pigmentation you have. Skin Analysis determines the type of pigmentation and its history, enabling us to create a tailored protocol. The therapist explains the treatment procedure, potential side effects, and how to manage them, as well as the expected results and recommended home care products.


Day 1:

The cosmelan mask is applied to your skin by a skincare professional. The specific application time will be determined based on your skin type and condition typically ranging from 8 to 12 hours. After the designated time, the mask is removed at home and you will receive instructions on how to care for your skin post-treatment.

Day 2-7:

In the following days, you will likely experience some skin redness, mild swelling, and a sensation of tightness. Your skin may also start to peel, and this peeling process can vary in intensity from person to person. It is important to follow the post-treatment instructions provided by your skincare professional.

Day 8-30:

During this period, your skin will continue to peel and shed the outermost layers. The peeling may gradually diminish, and your skin tone may start to appear more even. It is crucial to continue using the recommended Cosmelan peel aftercare skincare products.

4-6 weeks after Cosmelan peel:

By this time, the peeling process is usually complete, and your skin may look brighter and clearer. The appearance of hyperpigmented areas such as melasma or sunspots may be significantly reduced. However, individual results can vary, and some individuals may require additional treatments to achieve their desired outcomes.

What not to do after the treatment:

  • Immediately after treatment avoid excessive sweating (like a sauna or steam rooms) for 2 weeks post-treatment (may cause an additional sensitivity)
  • For the next 24-48 hours: avoid the use of abrasive or exfoliating sponges, exercise and heat.
  • Do NOT peel, pick, scratch or scrape the skin or any loose skin resulting from the treatment. This must come off in its own time with no assistance, ignoring this advice can lead to scarring!
  • Avoid chlorine for 2 weeks post-peel.
  • Avoid tanning beds and sun exposure for at least a month after the treatment.
  • Avoid waxing in treated areas for 2 weeks of post-treatment.
  • No use of glycolic, retinol or scrubs for 30 days post-procedure.
  • To maximise the result use only suggested home care products light redness and irritation sensation and swelling is normal for the first 7 days post treatment.
  • Delay the use of makeup for 24-48 hours (if you must, we recommend mineral makeup)

The Cosmelan peel requires approximately one week of downtime, so it’s advisable to take time off work and avoid special occasions during this period. Temporary side effects include significant skin peeling, redness, sunburn-like sensation, itching, and soreness. It’s important not to pick or pull the dead skin and only use recommended aftercare products for hydration. While your skin will continue to peel in the second week, it will be less noticeable. The Cosmelan peel is safe for use on dark skin types. Adverse reactions are rare but can include peeling, redness, scabbing, infection, cold sore recurrence, and increased sun sensitivity.


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