Skincare Consultation

A skincare consultation involves evaluating your skin condition, concerns, and goals to create a personalized skin care routine or treatment plan. It begins with analyzing your skin type, texture, tone, and any existing issues. We may inquire about your medical history, previous skin care routines, and lifestyle habits. Understanding your goals, such as hydration, acne reduction, or anti-aging, helps us tailor recommendations specifically for you. We’ll review your current products and discuss ingredients to look for or avoid. Based on this information, we’ll suggest a customized skin care routine or treatment plan, including products and additional treatments. We can also provide lifestyle adjustments and prevention tips. Follow-up consultations may be scheduled to monitor your progress and make necessary adjustments.

The skin analysis device used during the consultation provides a detailed assessment of both the outer and deeper layers of the skin. It utilizes imaging, spectroscopy, and AI algorithms to gather comprehensive data about the skin’s texture, pigmentation, moisture levels, collagen content, melanin distribution, and blood flow. By analyzing this information, the device can identify underlying skin conditions and concerns that may not be visible to the naked eye, such as dryness, hyperpigmentation, acne, and rosacea. Based on the collected data, the device creates a customized solution tailored to the individual’s skin type, sensitivity, and desired outcomes. This enables precise and personalized recommendations for addressing specific skin concerns.

Duration: 45 minutes

Price: $60

skin analysis
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