LED Blue Light Therapy

Blue LED light is commonly used in skincare for its ability to target and treat acne. When applied to the skin, blue LED light helps to eliminate acne-causing bacteria, known as Propionibacterium acnes. By reducing the presence of these bacteria, blue LED light therapy can help minimize breakouts, inflammation, and redness associated with acne. It is a non-invasive and gentle treatment option for individuals seeking an effective solution for managing acne-prone skin. Blue LED light therapy can be a valuable addition to a comprehensive skincare routine in the quest for clearer and healthier skin.

Duration:30 minutes


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Blue led light therapy

LED Red Light Therapy

Experience the transformative power of LED light therapy. Repair, replenish, and revive problem, damaged, or aging skin with a range of light frequencies. Achieve visible results, enhanced by a series of treatments. Effective for face, chest, and décolletage. Tackle acne, signs of aging, and rejuvenate your complexion with Red, Infrared, and Blue light.

Red LED light therapy not only stimulates collagen production and improves skin elasticity but also has a healing effect on the skin. It helps to reduce inflammation, soothe redness, and accelerate the skin’s natural healing process. This makes it beneficial for individuals with sensitive or irritated skin, as well as those recovering from certain skin treatments or procedures.

Duration:30 minutes


Add on:$49


Red led light therapy
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